New website and an evening with Yanni

So wow! Where to start! I guess I'll start with this site! If you've read the section under the guitar pic on the home page then you know part of the backstory. If not, please do so when you have a chance! Anyway I started thinking after I got my camera that I wanted and needed a place of my own to put my pictures. Facebook is nice, but it doesn't belong to me. So I started to put them on my wordpress. Then I got to thinking, why not have your own domain? So that's exactly what I did! What do you think of the name HOBBYSHOTS? PLEASE LEAVE ME YOUR FEEDBACK! :-)

Now, lets get on to last night which was simply AMAZING! Yanni brought a completely new setlist to Grand Prairie last night! He had quite a few songs that I'm not familiar with, (I need to brush up on my Yanni, I've fallen behind!) he also brought some classics to the table and him and his team performed them flawlessly! Charlie dousing his cymbals with water was pretty damn funny! I really hope Gabriel packs an umbrella next time! And of course I got to see the beautiful, talented vocalists Lisa and Lauren! (CONFESSION: I didn't see Lauren until halfway through their first song! The reason being is that I was near the far right of the stage which put me in position to notice Lisa first.) Fantastic performance from those two, I absolutely love hearing their voices together! After the show, I hung around to hopefully give Lisa a hug! (you owe me two hugs Lavie :-p ) I got to visit with Nightingale, she rocks! What I didn't expect was to meet Yoel Del Sol and shake his hand. He's a very nice fellow! Also unexpected was that I sort of met YANNI! I didn't introduce myself because there were a dozen fans hanging around, but I did say HI! He truly is an amazing person! Being able to witness the interaction between him and his fans was incredible! I hope to be able to introduce myself to him next time, shake his hand and tell him THANK YOU!